« …My Swiss Army is part of that segment of documentaries animated by the superior spirit of curiosity, which move forward as a function of wanting to know how things are.»

Javier Porta Fouz

A Sala Llena - ASL

« The humorous undertone is another of the film’s strengths, in which, for example, the official absurdities triggered by a missing character on a name tag are dealt with.»

Sarah Sartorius


« The film gives an insight into the Swiss Armed Forces, brings the concepts of home and identity up to date and poses controversial questions.»


« Luka Popadic humorously asks who is a true Swiss in the army.  »

Niccolò Castelli

Artistic director of the Solothurner Filmtage

« Popadić relies heavily on humour: right from the opening sequence, he uses age-old Swiss clichés, from William Tell and Emmental cheese to the bank vault. Fortunately, the humour becomes more refined as the film progresses, for example when observing its protagonists in everyday life.»

Georges Wyrsch


« A refreshing insight into the motivations of the people who make up more than a third of Swiss army personnel.»

Claudia Laube

Aargauer Zeitung

« In a personal documentary film, director Luka Popadić gives an insight into the Swiss army from the perspective of four officers with a migration background and humorously questions prejudices about home, belonging and integration.»


« The film succeeds in shining a light on the complications involved in reconciling different identities cohabiting in the same person and making them unique. Skilfully interweaving his own story with that of his protagonists, Luka Popadić treats us to a sincere and refreshing film and a veritable commedia of real life. »

Giorgia Del Don
